Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blair Robertson predicts fate of Canadian Politics in 2010

Posted January 3, 2010

Blair Robertson is without a doubt a psychic with double-vision. I just wonder how the Conservative Party of Canada became so resourceful and hired a comedian to assist it in the take-over of Canadian politics. Former President Bush used the CIA, the Armed Forces and the Department of Homeland Security to strike fear throughout America and the world - the Conservative Party of Canada is trying strike fear with comic relief.
I suggest Michael Ignatieff be shrewd during this time of prorogue. After all, Cromwell went to task with an army and Harper only has Blair Robertson and a dissident media. In retort the Liberal Party should look to a more prolific psychic – the Canadian electorate. Rather than delve into the future perhaps we should assess the past and the present. A government that has had so much to hide in its current history will no doubt secure its future with complete and utter disregard for the sentiments of Canadians. The only thing that I can predict is that a Harper government will bring in a reign of stealth politics, invisible accountability and further broadening Bush-style politics.
A final note to Michael Ignatieff – if you are going to employ a psychic please employ one whose humility and character does not debase the political system. Such an individual would be the Amazing Kreskin. This mild-mannered Polish-Italian Mentalist will do you proud because he will not render judgements, just possibilities.
As for Mr. Rae, he has been wielding knives since he became a turn-coat for the Liberal Party. I just don’t think the vultures of the political system should be entitled to any spoils. After all, how many government pensions does this guy need? His resume is long but what exactly has been his contribution to Canadian politics – in one word “nothing”!
This is not the time for an election but rather a coalition - Liberals, Socialists and Separatists. While I hate this possibility we must see what sits on the other side of the fence before we take it down. Government transparency is much more important to Canadians than secrecy. Freemasonry is not only dangerous it is self-serving. The sad reality is that Harper, Ignatieff and Rae are all Freemasons.
Thank you and spread the news,
Joseph Pede

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