Posted December 30, 2009
A United Nations spokesperson recently revealed that the 2009 global liquidity crunch was aided by a strange bed-fellow and not a Rock-a-fellow either. International bankers turned a blind eye and laundered in excess of $350 billion dollars to keep white collar criminals in starched shirts and not in prison outfits.
Harper plays his cards to suspend parliament once again. This is more evidence that we keep paying for more and keep getting much less. It appears that Harper is following in the footsteps of Oliver Cromwell. To hell with parliament! Onward the Harper Republic or even better the Harper dictatorship! Prorogue has the word rogue in it – why?
Ground breaking news! Air travel has been saddled with that four letter word “fear” once again. We have gone from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Yemen. We have gone from knives to explosive powder. We have gone from one carry-on to barely getting on. The latest news is that in 2010 travellers will go on nude and their luggage will follow by ocean liner. We just have to get to the bare facts when it comes to terrorism. We, however, keep forgetting the architects of this global upheaval – The Bushes and the CIA.
Tiger got caught with his pants down and his balls are in the rough. That wouldn’t be so bad if it was not for the fact that his putter has gone limp since the news hit the media. The wife is singing an age old classic......... Y’ABBA, D’ABBA DOOH! Sounds like a Muslim intifada. Better get her strip-searched.
Recently in the news is that “Politicians fear the RCMP”. Those “Really Captivating Masonic Personalities” do need a public presence. I just want to know what the politicians fear and why the RCMP are not capitalizing on it. Could they be proroguing justice?
Thank you,
Joseph Pede
Joseph Pede
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