It is very seldom that we speak about these two very uneasy topics. Wikipedia defines both terms as follows:
Social engineering strives to influence popular attitudes and social behavior on a large scale, whether by governments or private groups.
Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. Although its basic premise is scientifically sound, eugenics in practice has served anti-social beliefs and movements, such as Nazism.
Modernism, consumerism, fashion, technology and secularism have contributed greatly to social engineering, but who have been at the helm promoting these ideas to the general public over the past 2,000 years? Typically it has been heads of state, the church, bankers, crime organizations and the heretics and messiahs of the times.
Since the advent of television and ultimately through the introduction of the “WWW” social engineering has been brought to you by fear and propaganda. One of the greatest new events in the 20th century was WWII and the Holocaust. The thing that strikes me about the Jewry is their very rigid timeline of history. It appears to be comprised of the Exodus, the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust. They have engineered a culture that appears to have been victimized. But is it really so? I only choose this topic to illustrate a point because it is so profound. My goal is not to promote anti-Semitism but rather to fill in the gaps and make every human being and ethnic group accountable to history.
Finkelstein and Silberman, two well known Jewish archaeologists, have provided scientific evidence that the Exodus was a myth and that there is no archaeological evidence to support such an event. The common-sense question is “How can a population of 1,000,000 Jews venture through a dessert for decades and leave no archaeological evidence?” Faith, the Torah and God may be hard to dispute so let us review the past 500 years.
1. Jews were an integral part of Black and Aboriginal slavery and they contributed to the murder of over 100,000,000 million men, women and children.
2. Jews owned 2/3 of the Confederate Black slaves.
3. Judah Benjamin, Secretary of War during the Civil War, was the prime architect in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. He fled to England fearing his implication in the Lincoln murder.
4. Karl Marx the Rabbi, not only the father of Communism, but surprisingly the notion of Ethnic Cleansing as well. Under Communism 100,000,000 million people perished. In 1933, 7,000,000 Ukrainians perished in one short winter.
5. Adolph Hitler, the father of Nazism, was actually the illegitimate grandson of the Rothschild family and of Salomon Mayer, the Baron Rothschild specifically. It is argued that the Baron along with George Bush’s grandfather, Prescott, helped fund WWII. 20,000,000 Russians, 15,000,000 Chinese and 25,000,000 civilian and army lives perished in WWII.
6. Fritz Haber was the father of chemical warfare and under his directorship Zyklon-B (a chemical used by Nazis to exterminate millions in WWII) was created. Haber unfortunately was a Jew and that gas ultimately killed thousands of Jews.
7. The truth about WWII deaths due to Nazi atrocities is available:
Holocaust files will reveal Nazis' full horror: By STEPHEN MCGINTY
In a tree-lined street in a quiet German town stands a large three-storey building. Inside, in 50 million file cards on shelves that stretch for more than 15 miles, rests the fate of millions of men, women and children lost in the Holocaust. For more than 60 years, the archives of the International Tracing Service (ITS), which document the Nazis persecutions have been inaccessible to all but those victims who survived and their children. WHY?
Eugenics may be used to describe the unwanted sterilization of Roma (Gypsy) women in Eastern Europe. But I think there is a more sinister use for Eugenics in modern society. It is not about genetic cleansing but rather of increasing the ethnic “exclusion factor” and genetically debasing human potential. Let us go through a few examples:
1. One billion human beings go hungry and are the victims of starvation every day. Charitable Foundations raise billions of dollars under the guise of human compassion but ultimately the funds line domestic wallets and not hungry stomachs.
2. Religious intolerance has ostracized millions and has stereotyped even more. We are genetically shaping hate.
3. Have you ever applied for countless jobs and never received a reply? You are not part of the inner Masonic circle. In order to get the better job that you more than qualify for means you must corrupt yourself to a level of human degeneracy.
4. Educational institutions have become publicly authorized taxation systems. You pay for and get more education but the better jobs appear to go to less qualified and select members. Go to item 3. Society is being shaped by a silent veil of racism and nepotism.
5. Stock market got you down? Well why are you in it? 1% of Americans hold 55% of the wealth. That means they have substantial influence in what happens to the economy.
The stock market is a controlled instrument and only a few will profit. What this means is that insider trading is only illegal for you and me. The 1% are insiders by default and they can be nothing else. With CEO suicides on the increase (or perhaps murders and planned-accidents), more job losses, a hugely anticipated second meltdown of U.S. housing mortgages, the looming threat of inflation and government secrecy on the rise, things don’t look good - feels like a virus is looming too.
My friends, it may be wise to be weary of the ‘Feast day of the Quatuor Coronati’. These four old ancient martyrs or should I say modern protagonists may be the instruments of global change and that day is soon approaching. Today’s Coronati are no doubt Germany, Russia, China and the USA. It appears that Russia and Germany have forged a strong kinship and Obama soon travels east to meet with its creditor and new leader of the global economy. By looking at it, an Eagle each sharing the Bear’s den.
Joseph Pede
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