Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just Visiting

Posted September 8, 2009

This special commentary is the result of viewing the Conservative Party television commercial on Mr. Ignatieff – “Just visiting”.

Who really cares if Ignatieff is just visiting? Most Members of Parliament have been visiting for the past 100 years with little or no respect for the people that put them there or for the country they serve. Canada has even allowed a Seperatist government to enter our democratic chamber. These people have come to visit, not to rejoice in our common goals, but to revisit the angry side of history.
The political process in this Country leaves a lot to be desired. It is contrived, controlled, corrupt and its members hand-picked. We should have as many elections as possible so as to root out the sickness that permeates our entire political system and have politicians beg for their jobs over and over again. Then perhaps they could appreciate the reason they have been elected as well as appreciate the pangs of their constituents. What the poor voters don’t understand is that every time we vote we could really make a difference. Don’t pick the status quo, pick with your heart and pick the person that really cares about you.
Mr. Harper, I have advised you and your officials, over and over again, that I do not wish to be solicited by your party. Today I received another phone call at 3:51PM from phone number 1-613-219-1293. I don’t want you visiting me by phone – how else can I tell you? Please stop calling. Any additional unsolicited phone calls will be brought to the attention of the Privacy Commissioner. In other words, politicians only visit when they want money or votes. Your party has neglected to respond to any formal question I have put forward to it, so why do you call me? Stop it!
Gentlemen, do you want to understand the word “visiting”? A few days ago my employer terminated my employment without cause. I ranked number one of fifty-five dealers in Ontario in sales improvement, converted the operating profit of the franchise from a six-figure loss the year prior to a six figure operating profit this year, increased gross profits by over 30%, hired and trained a great management team and so on and so on. I did a great job but I will have to visit the unemployment office. Unfortunately, I am not a member of a Masonic Lodge or some other fraternity. Perhaps one of you fine gentlemen could forward my resume to one of your cronies for consideration. I have attached it to this email.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

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