Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas and What Belongs to God

Posted December 9, 2009

Mark 12:17 And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him.
One might ask as we approach Christmas, what are God’s things? One might even conclude that God’s things are things we inherited through creation or perhaps things we have coveted as a by-product of creation’s failings.
“Things” appears to be such a meagre word. Jesus could have chosen a much bolder or meaningful word but instead He chose a word with simple ambiguity. It is a paradoxical word whose meaning, in the end, is left to the individual believer’s interpretation of it. Perhaps its simplicity is the part that challenges our current spiritual and economic dilemma.  We simply cannot define or find the things which enhance life and the spirit simultaneously.
Do Harper, McGuinty and Miller appear to be the modern Caesar’s or are they the failed by-products of Masonic corruption? These individuals hold no special authority other than being elected individuals. They fought no battle, risked no country, stood not in front of God yet we fear them and continue to allow them to ravage our lives with lies and deception. They hide in concrete caves, dispense lies and plan sabotage on people’s lives.
Jesus was communicating something very profound when He talked about things. When society stands by and watches treachery and corruption poison the human spirit into a state of total indifference then we have not given the things that belong to God, to God, but rather relinquished them to life’s failings and the disciples of Satan. Good heaven, the disciples of Satan – what extremism!
One must understand that through the passage of time the great schisms and enlightenments came to life as a by-product of political and religious indifference. We stand idle as billions starve, we accept war not for its glory but rather to glorify it, we have made corruption purposeful rather than give it no purpose, excused criminals not for humility’s sake but rather to measure the degree to which society can be humiliated, we have allowed greed to manipulate social standards rather than have those standards elevated for all of society’s benefit and most importantly we have sacrificed the divine for the sake of self-divination.
The extremists and the messiahs ask no reward as they bring buoyancy to a sinking spirit and seek to rediscover the joy in things that many of us have lost. Passion was the one “thing” Jesus left us – this not only described His life but also His death. Passion is exercise for the soul, food for the spirit and calm for anger. Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi, St. Francis and so many others who desired to build love with bricks of passion stand by in the shadows awaiting our invocation.
Harper, McGuinty and Miller have demonstrated their unrelenting ability to take and in many cases take illegally. In the spirit of Christmas let us take these three wise men and place them in a hallowed place – an eight by eight foot cell surrounded by sheep, donkey and camels. Let them understand the simple things so many of us can keep the few things we have acquired through hard work.
I wish my fellow Christians a passionate Christmas and to all others, the passion of their Gods. I also hope our Christmas' stop feeling like Easters.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

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