I would like to offer a non-scientific approach to the universe. One based on rationalism. I think it will interest you and perhaps answer some of your questions as to the origins of the universe. I have taken your basic premises of Black Holes and the spherical shape of the universe into consideration.
Imagine the design of the universe to be a like a spherical muffin pan. The centers represent the “Black Holes”. We must also consider that the each Black Hole is not equidistant from the “Main Singularity”. Because each Black hole is shrinking the “Event Horizon” is found at different distances from the “Main Singularity”.
Now also imagine that each Black Hole is conical in shape with its infinitely finite point attached to a “Main Singular Point”. In fact, we can imagine the Black Holes to be like a whole bunch of balloons of various shapes and sizes held together at a main point. Now we see a series of “Singularities” attached to a “Main Singularity”. The planets, stars and the balance of the universe sit between these conical shaped Black Holes.
The assumption is that galactic objects closer to the “Main Singularity” may in fact have enough energy to detach the Black Hole near the “Main Singularity” – where it appears to be string-like and extremely minute compared to its opening. Therefore, the distance of the “Event Horizon” from the ‘Main Singularity” and “Radical Black Holes” that have been sliced away from the “Main Singularity” will create varying degrees of gravitation for each of the galactic bodies found in between the Black Holes. The assumption is that if a Black Hole is sliced it will regenerate a Singularity away from the Main, and the “Thread-Like Black Hole” that remains will be swallowed by the Main much sooner. This latter points re-affirm the point that the universe is contracting and dying and that an anti-universe may be growing at the same rate.
We could also assume that when these strings of “Singularities” which are attached to the “Main Singularity” die they may re- create an anti-universe on the other side of the Main Singularity – giving credence to the concept of another dimension. This is explained by Newton’s third law in that Energy lost is energy gained. Therefore the final destruction of a Black Hole may in fact give itself rebirth into another dimension – like a funnel effect. This main intercept may also be the God we seek to understand and find. Oddly, the energy a human ejects at point of death (i.e. its spirit or soul) appears detached from the laws of gravity. A point we are getting to.
We can also assume that the universe is expanding but moreso contracting. The contraction is occurring by the eventual destruction of a Black Hole (specifically those that have not been detached from the Main) and expanding by the free radical Black Holes and by Galactic bodies which have set themselves free from the gravitational force of a Black Hole. This may support the Theory of General Relativity and represent objects to which the “Main Singularity” has lost its control over. General Relativity in a spiritual sense may be the Anti-Main of the Anti-God concept.
Thank you,Joseph Pede
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