The anniversary date of this event is quickly approaching and no doubt news organizations will air film-clips of the assassination to remind us of the tragic events that occurred on November 22, 1962. The 60’s were unique in that governments and government leaders fell prey to a demonstrative and sometimes evil “black hand” whose true character was often unseen or unknown. This “enigmatic event” created a sense of mystery and trepidation that to this day pervades our psyche and challenges our moral foundations.
What is even more compelling is that many new facts have been made public in the past decade. Potential assassins have even identified themselves. So why has the media been reluctant to explore and provide commentary on this new information? A simple conclusion may be that the media is one of the black fingers occupying the “black hand”.
Let us look at some of the new facts.
1. James E. Files has publicly confessed to taking the fatal head shot that ultimately killed the President. He is alive and well, for the time being, and has stated that he has and had ties to U.S. Government Intelligence Services and Organized Crime. He has stated that anonymous government agencies have released his name as a key assassin. Mr. Files has stated that he was hired by Carlos Marcello and was driven away by John Rosselli and Charles Nicoletti after the fatal shot of November 22.
2. Chauncey Holt, who is now deceased, provided a lengthy film epitaph of his JFK assassination involvement. My understanding of his statements are that “numerous” organizations gathered in Dallas the morning of November 22 and it was a free for all – it really did not matter who killed the President, everyone wanted him dead! He specifically names three “Government Operatives” who were camouflaged as “Railroad Tramps”. They were Charles Harrelson (father of famed Woody Harrelson), Charles Rogers and Holt himself.
3. Kennedy had twisted the arm of fate and challenged an era filled with unready opportunity. His time saw the birth of the Space & Moon Program, the Russian Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, the Civil Rights Movement, the growing influence of Organized Crime, the horrible influence of J. Edgar Hoover and the CIA, the Marilyn Munroe factor, the Vietnam War and what many may not know, his attempt to quash the Federal Reserve System.
Chuncey Holt may have been absolutely correct, “everyone wanted him dead”. But how does a conspiracy of this magnitude stay silent for long? The only plausible answer is “fear and ignorance”. JFK lived in a time and place where an “absolute crime” meant that the perpetrators were absolved by “absolute power”. The perpetrators were Manchurian Candidates whose will had been transposed to those that guided this evil and not by a lone gunman.
The valuable lesson is one that society has yet to learn. Keeping watch of those who govern us is more important than keeping watch of those who wish to destroy us. In the end, they may be one in the same.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede
Joseph Pede
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