We truly have to admire George W’s ability to start a war in Afghanistan. After all, the Russians toiled in Afghanistan for years without much success. Amidst the current global economic chaos it’s great to see George W’s legacy of war be a great boon of economic wealth for corporations and banks profiting from its activity. With red blood flowing in the dessert streets I am confident black ink from war profits helps mask the other corrupt activities of the capitalist banking system. While soldiers accept the responsibility and risk of armed conflict, they do democracy an injustice when they seek to bring justice to others via an unjust hand.
The U.S.A alone has spent trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we add the billions and then trillions spent by Great Britain and other G8 nations we then must ask the obvious – How can all this power be delinquent against organized tribalism? The Taliban after all is not a well trained and disciplined fighting machine, but rather, the human hand of an ultra-right wing Islamic fundamentalist religion gone mad – or is it?
We must ask another very simple question - who is funding the Taliban and how do populations in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the entire Middle East succumb to the violence and totalitarianism of a very small group of extremists? Just how many Taliban members are there?
Remember that war is a source of great profits for those who bankroll these activities. George W’s grandfather was bankrolling Hitler at the same time that America was sending its young men into war against the Germans. So is it so improbable that the democratic central banks may be the backbone of the Taliban? How possible is it that a tribal group of soldiers could be so resilient in the face of over whelming odds? There are other possibilities:
1. Oil money is funding and fuelling the conflict?
2. Israeli intelligence may view Middle East instability as a weapon of survival and could be active in this regard.
3. It provides Arab oligarchs, monarchists and dictators a means of waging perpetual war on Israel and the USA while maintaining their fragile power-bases.
The news continuously reports the path of Taliban movement and their ability to capture small towns and cities. Why are we not there to suppress their advance?
Mankind has climbed so high in the past 100 years but its head is stuck in the clouds. We have allowed organized groups, CEO’s and politicians to create fear in our everyday lives. They are managing our ability to ask questions and hold them accountable. When did this happen and why did it happen? Is anyone paying attention?
Thank you,Joseph Pede
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