Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Global Crisis Update

Posted April 1, 2009

It is unfortunate to see the same leaders and pun dents expressing grave concern about the current global economic crisis. These individuals are so detached from real life circumstances that they really have no clue what to do and how to get it done. Oddly, much of what has transpired was predicted by me months before its actually occurred. The recipients obviously thought that my remarks were irrelevant, unfounded or they simply lacked the academic or institutional credentials. I am convinced, now more than ever, that the experts and expert opinion are so irrelevant that they should be censored to the estranged public.

I would just like to say a few things. Money and the degree of money is not the solution. We have failed to recognize the real reasons why this moment in time has occurred. Let us review the reasons:
1.       Mechanization,
2.       Automation,
3.       Computerization,
4.       Controlled selection – geography, humans, product inputs etc.
5.       Controlled obsolescence,
6.       Uncontrolled deregulation of vital business sectors,
7.       Free Trade corruption – especially with respect to human rights,
8.       White collar corruption and greed,
9.       The partnership of Freemasonry & Government and their control of the media – using propaganda and counter-intelligence, in the Machiavellian tradition, to mislead society,
10.   Erosion of religious beliefs.
The items above were intended to do three basic things:
1.       Increase the speed at which we produce and receive goods and services for no other purpose than to eliminate competition and decentralization ,
2.       Eliminate human interference or eliminate society’s ability to effectively punish the powerful, and,
3.       Create an abusive, consumer-driven, immoral and wasteful society.
In other words, if you want to make the world a much more inclusive place we must re-introduce the most valuable input into this equation – humanity – in all its forms. In addressing this situation we must set term limits on all government posts, eliminate appointments, set ceilings on corporate executive pay and bonuses, and identify groups who abuse and prey on taxpayer dollars. Until we achieve this end humanity will be challenged by disease, inequality, famine, hatred and war. Education is the only device that serves to elevate mankind while having a regressive tendency on his/her humanity.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

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