Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Detainee Issue

Posted March 9, 2010

By now we all know that Prime Minister Harper has appointed Justice Iacobucci to conduct an internal inquiry into the detainee matter. The Liberals and the NDP say the government's appointment of a retired justice to review the controversial Afghan detainee documents is not enough and are calling for a full public inquiry into the matter.
Well let us stop wasting time and let me advise the opposition parties of the following:
Under the Federal Inquiries Act, the Governor-in-Council has sole power to call a public inquiry. The “Governor-in-Council” is the person or body that holds executive power in the government. Theoretically, this is considered to be the Canadian monarchy and its representatives in Canada, namely the Governor General of Canada. In practice, however, executive power lies with the federal Cabinet.
Can I advise the opposition parties to refer this matter to the Governor General if they truly want a Public Inquiry and leave P.M. Harper to play his hand at totalitarianism? Messieurs Ignatieff and Layton the more important issues are as follows:
1.      The use of proroguing as a means of usurping the democratic process - what action will parliament now take in reforming and minimizing the impact of this political maneuver?
2.      The Omar Khadr matter is critical in defining citizenship and the individual’s right to seek justice from its birth nation. This matter makes a mockery of the Charter of Rights and redefines the constitutional meaning of citizenship. What is being done to rectify this matter?
3.      That while war may be politically created, torture must be seen to be politically correct. The paradox is that murder provides instant justification while torture provides gratification. We need neither and Canada must revert to its traditional role of peace-keeping.
I hope we can get past what has happened and find ways of rebuilding our democracy. In the end we are ALL guilty of idly standing by and accepting mediocrity from our government officials and ineptitude from ourselves. Citizenship can be worse than torture if we strive to live in a democracy plagued by corruption.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede


Posted March 8, 2010

What is water in a nutshell? It is the single most important resource in sustaining life and nature. Why will water become the single most important commodity in the world? The supply of fresh water is shrinking and demand for water by some of the world’s largest economies is growing. They include China, USA, Europe, Asia and Australia. What are the challenges for water?
1.     Shrinking supply of fresh water as a natural process – population growth.
2.     Water is being used as a filtering system for industrial and toxic pollutants.
3.     Water has and will create conflict between nations – The potential NAFTA impact is detailed below. ***
4.     Water will become a strategic resource for bio-terrorism. Smallpox and Anthrax could be used to contaminate water supplies.
Simple breakdown – Bacteria feeds on the human tissue while viruses attack the cell and replicate. Ultimately the virus is altering the host’s DNA. This is why ant-viral vaccines are so difficult to manufacture.
5.     Cyber-attacks on computerized water storage plants and filtration systems.
6.     With vast ice formations melting, viruses and bacteria that have been dormant for centuries could once again impact the globe.
7.     Approximately 70% of fresh water is used for agricultural irrigation and we cannot seem to feed the world. Poverty and hunger are on the rise.
8.     Thawing Arctic salt water will merge with fresh water systems.
9.     Water may ultimately define the New World Order.
*** NAFTA’s proportionality clause edicts that if we begin trading a certain amount of a commodity we must then continue to provide at least that amount. With something as vital as fresh water, Canada should be wary of any agreement that would seriously deplete our supply. Canada may have more than we need for the time being, but the U.S. will undoubtedly want to consume extensive amounts. Perhaps a short-term deal with the U.S. would be a good alternative, or setting a limit on what Canada is willing to trade. Even so, it would be idealistic for Canada to set the bar low and assume the U.S. will settle with a negligible amount. Precedent has shown the United States will try to take advantage of the agreement, and playing hardball with the neighbouring economic giant is not in our best interest. Some have suggested a complete ban on bulk water exports or waiting to sell water until the U.S. — and other nations around the globe — are truly desperate. The longer we wait to sell water, the higher the demand, which would serve Canada very well fiscally. With the pros and cons of commodifying water in mind, the Canadian government will make a choice that will hopefully take into account more than initial monetary gain.
Arctic sovereignty and fresh water are critical to Canada’s nation building. With global warming (more to do with HAARP) the virgin Arctic will give birth to new opportunities in shipping, mineral & oil exploration, human settlement and conflict. The Arctic will become a strategic military outpost for Russia and the USA.  Its true ownership may be ultimately be determined by conflict or brute force.
The North Pole is considered an international site and is administered by the International Seabed Authority. If a country can prove its underwater shelf is an extension of its continental border, then it can claim an economic zone based on that.
Our sovereignty and control of our water supply may be tied to the defense of the Arctic. The statistics for fresh water are shown in attached diagram – there ain’t that much fresh water – eh?
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Do you not find it odd that Peter MacKay (Defence Minister) is spending time in Haiti? Why not Bev Oda or Lawrence Cannon? Mr. MacKay, are we helping the Americans build a secret Military Base in Haiti? Haitians are still starving – where did all the billions of dollars in relief money go?

To Stephen Harper - Budget Deficit

Posted March 4, 2010

Dear Prime Minister Harper:
I am really confused and need to ask a simple question. I thought I could add but I appear to have lost my touch. The deficit numbers just don’t add up.
In January 2009, you announced a $40 billion stimulus package (this includes the 20% allocation for the five year $20 billion personal income tax reduction). My understanding is that as much as $18 billion has been deferred to 2011. Recent reports state that only 20% of $22 billion have actually been allocated. That would mean that $4.4 billion dollars has actually been spent to date, yet we have a $53 billion budget deficit. Does this mean that by March 2011 we could conceivably have a budget deficit of $85 billion dollars? Please do the math and let me know if my addition and subtraction is correct. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Comic relief – The Hermaphrodite Society of Canada will no doubt applaud the proposed change in the Canadian national anthem – gender neutrality was definitely a pre-occupation for them and unemployed bums like me.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede


Posted March 3, 2010

Dear Adam Giambrone
Chair of the TTC
It is great to hear that the TTC has formed an Advisory Panel to address the issue of “customer service”. While a noble cause, I hope the political and corporate culture that has created this monster is being brought to task as well. I have not taken the TTC for decades, but I, like so many other Torontonians, do feel we have been taken for a ride via unjustified taxation and government waste.
Let me give you an outsider’s view of what the Advisory Panel should discover:
1.     That a corroded TTC union culture is being propped up by a dysfunctional and ill-qualified political system.
2.     In the absence of an alternative competitive transit supplier, money spent on infrastructure and growth initiatives are being measured by their least possible impact and not on real economic measures and maximum impact.
3.     There are no “consequences and accountability measures” for TTC staff, executives or the political overseers. People must eventually be fired for non-performance. While you may have a union agreement and a policy & procedures manual, you probably have no manifesto on customer service. This should be an integral process in the employee evaluation process and there must be consequences.
4.     Fare pricing is determined via budget shortfalls and future needs (i.e. new infrastructure, investment in new technology, security and so on). This is not significantly different in the wants of privately or publicly held companies competing for consumer dollars. The important difference lies in the concept of “shareholder wealth”. Torontonians are not considered investors or partners, but rather a tax body. Price must reflect value, accountability, sustainability, cost management measures and the analysis of revenue collection processes.
5.     You have no visible mission statement. In your case, the first mission statement should read as follows, “The customer is never wrong”.
6.     With 40,000 annual consumer complaints the TTC obviously has little disregard for the complaint and the manner in which the consumer is addressed. Complaints are a key measure of business success. The receiving, timing, handling and response process is obviously flawed. When you start receiving a multitude of compliments, you then know you are on the right track. Complaints must be dealt with in a timely fashion and empathetically. Finally, recurring and visible mistakes must be eradicated and the change must become a perceptible enhancement to the consumer.
7.     The rail line improvement project on St. Clair Ave had a proposed construction budget of $10 million. The final bill was in excess of $100 million. Corruption and irresponsibility must be dealt with transparency and accountability. If a flawed executive exists then the entire system becomes corrupt. There is simply no way of over-riding this keep natural process. This waste describes a scared, irresponsible and directionless body who continues to knock on the door of an embattled public. I am defining credibility.
8.     Pay plans for direct impact customer satisfaction decision-makers and front line individuals should be driven by key performance indicators – e.g. the number of complaints is a definite indicator.
9.     Training on how to “smile” and say “thank you’ or “sorry” may appear to be an easy task, but a culture that has evolved without their use, may require a leader who is capable of invoking the school of hard-knocks.
10.                        Adam, have customers ever been rewarded for complaining or addressing visible flaws in the system? If not, start doing it!
I have two suggestions Adam. Get back into the mayoral race. It will not matter if you loose. You lost when you pulled out. I am confident that every other candidate has as many skeletons in the closet as you do. We won’t talk about Smitherman. Finally, encourage everyone to privatize the TTC. It is tax glutton. It will be better served by responsible, independent and profit-driven entrepreneurs.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Are Americans and Canadians being subjected to New World Order testing? .....and..... The 13 Most Powerful People in the World

Posted March 3, 2010

1.    Twofold suspension of Parliament by Stephen Harper with little or no opposition by the other Federal party leaders.
2.    Canadian and U.S. banking has been allowed to flourish despite the fact that they were the main culprits in the global recession. Bank mergers, centralization and sovereign ownership mean that fewer organizations control our money supply.
3.    Fear, security and impending chaos have been used to trigger isolation and propaganda. Not to mention the steady erosion of our civil rights.
4.    Scanners, vaccines, war and climate change come to life via spontaneous generation and baseless circumstances.
5.    Obama’s road to socialism is being met by angry conservatism and a disjointed Congress. Governments are broken.
6.    The bridge between Wall Street and Main Street continues to crumble. Bank executives persist in their financial recklessness with a total disregard for the tax-paying public.
7.    The rise in violence throughout the U.S. has resulted in the covert construction of internment camps and the gradual erosion on individual Americans’ right to bear arms.
8.    Stock markets, commodities & currency exchanges, gold and oil and everything in between no longer reflect market forces but rather the gluttony of insider trading.
9.    Technology is being used to imprison and track us and not enhance us.
10.  Accountability and transparency within government institutions have vanished in the face of lies, deception and political stalemates.

The following Individuals probably have the most impact on the global economy and individual lives, yet you may not know them. The order is of no consequence. The bakers dozen is shown below – this is power.
1.    Lieutenant General Keith B. Alexander – Director, National Security Agency and Chief, Central Security Service.
2.    Peter Sutherland – European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission as well as Chairman of BP plc, Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, UN Special representative for Migration and Development and co-founder of the WTO.
3.    Baron David Rene de Rothschild & Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini This married couple controls the Rothschild banking dynasty and Olimpia is a member of one of Italy’s most powerful Italian royal families with ties to the Vatican, Borghese and Pamphili familes.
4.    Zbigniew Brzezinski – Majestic Twelve and Professor of American Foreign Policy at John Hopkin’s University school of Advanced International Studies, His resume and influence would require pages.
5.    Ian Johnson – Incoming Secretary General for the Club of Rome.
6.    Pope Benedict XVI – Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
7.    Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolas – Superior General of the Society of Jesus – head the powerful Jesuit Order
8.    Henry Kissinger – Majestic Twelve, Kissinger Associates and host of other posts.
9.    David Rockefeller Sr. – Banking, Oil, Federal Reserve and a list to long to script.
10.  Vladamir Putin – Prime Minister of Russia
11.  Hu Jintao – President and Military Chief of China
12.  Fra Matthew Festing – Prince & Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Catholic military order based in Rome. The Order of Malta has ambassadors or diplomatic representatives in more than eighty nations, and enjoys Permanent Observer status at the United Nations General Assembly.
13.  Prince Edward, Duke of Kent - The Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England and therefore the worldwide king of English freemasonry.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Budget Proposals for our Federal Government

Posted March 1, 2010

Budget proposals – pay special attention to number 10, 15 and 18.

1. Restrict offshore investment of Canadian RRSP investments in mutual funds to 0%. Canadian savings should be invested in Canada to provide Canadian jobs, not foreign growth.

2. Current RRSP savings held by private individuals should yield a minimum of 5% per annum for the next two years. Unemployed Canadians should be able to withdraw these funds tax free with no impact on EI benefits.

3. Reduce federal government jobs by 15%. People hired through nepotism, corruption, appointments and all the other dirty reasons should be subjected to the same humiliation as all other Canadians.

4. Capital Gains tax should be 0% for individual families earning less than $200,000.00 per annum.

5. Freeze insurance premium increases for homes and vehicles, and call for a 10% reduction in premiums. Insurance company premiums have escalated in the face of deflation.

6. Freeze gasoline prices at 90 cents per litre for the next 18 months. Oil companies have demonstrated they have no sympathy for the ordinary taxpayer. Gasoline prices impact trucking, aviation, automotive sales, manufacturing and retail product pricing. It is a major cost component in everything we buy and do.

7. Banks should be limited to a 10% return on invested capital. They have no business gouging Canadians nor do executives have the right to extract billions in bonuses. There is no genius at any bank that deserves this type of remuneration.

8. Abandon bilingualism and multi-cultural initiatives. It is needless and costly. This has become a window of opportunity for Franco-phones and individuals who can afford to have their children attend private French immersion schools or very limited publicly funded French immersion schools. This leads to quiet racism in the hiring process - non-French speaking Canadians are getting “screwed”. We have too many Quebecers in Federal and Provincial government jobs. Stop this RACISM. Bilingualism should never be a reason to deny someone a job in Canada.

9. Pay a spouse/partner to stay at home until their children can attend primary school. This creates job opportunities for the larger population and minimizes future social costs (teen crime, school drop-out, drugs, WWW addiction, STD’s). We would save money throughout the entire penal and rehabilitation system. This would manage the day-care issue as well.

10. Legalize marijuana and prostitution. This would reduce policing costs, prison costs, reform costs, court costs etc etc..... It is time Canada became a leader in this matter. Both generate billions for the underground economy. You can refer the matter to MP Guergis and her husband.

11. Gaming Act - Lottery prizes should be limited to one million dollars - more Canadians should share the jackpot. A $50 million jackpot would mean that 50 Canadians would win and not one or two individuals. Gambling is a known vice, addiction and is destroying families.

12. Canadian troops should go back to their primary historic role – peacekeepers. Stop spending money on war activity.

13. Healthcare taxation and collection should be a Federal mandate. Canadians do not require ten provincial and three territorial authorities to administer healthcare. This would also provide a national centralized database and prevent Premier’s from squandering billions.

14. Restrict dental tariff increases for the nest two years and decrease them by 15% this year. This represents a major cost to employers and non-insured individuals. In the same vein add vital cancer treatments that are currently out of reach for many Canadians. Government and large public company employees should not be the only recipients of vital healthcare, especially when Canadians donate billions to fight cancer.

15. Charities should be taxed 25% on all donations – prior to expenses. This will stem the abuse and corruption. The Federal government would in turn fund UN and foreign relief efforts with this special tax.

16. All religious organizations should pay an annual “stipend” of $1,000.00 to fund welfare and homelessness issues.

17. All Federal, Provincial, City and Foreign government employees should have no tax-exempt remuneration.

18. Billions of dollars are sitting in off-shore accounts. Example - The automotive industry and the Wheaton family, via First Canadian, have helped automotive dealers amass billions off-shore. In some cases this money never makes it back to Canada for taxation. This money should be taxed prior to going off-shore. This, I presume, is a major problem in many sectors of the economy.

19. All federally owned real estate and assets available for sale should be publicly posted – website and newspapers. I am confident the public is losing a brick for every block sold.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Prorogue and Russia

Posted February 27, 2010

Our parliament will soon be back in session and Harper will no doubt pontificate about how well our athletes performed at the 2010 Olympic Games. Is it not amazing to what extent we will go to acquire a few ounces of gold, silver and bronze? The “human race” will hopefully be the agenda for the next session of parliament.
Harper’s new budget promises no new taxes, but what really is in store for Canadians? Increased user fees, disappearing tax credits, reduction in social services, privatization of sacred Canadian institutions, perhaps even healthcare, reduction in corporate income taxes to stimulate the economy (assist corporate greed) or perhaps the reduction of transfer payments to the provinces. The provinces will then become the new tax robbers. McGuinty’s acumen in this field is supreme, not to mention his uncanny ability to squander billions with impunity. He is also quite dashing when stealth proroguing.
We will not hear of civil service cutbacks or wasteful spending in government. Afghanistan will carry on and military costs will no doubt escalate. We will hear of increased costs to enhance security but no talk of social security. We will hear of Canada’s strength in a challenging world economy but we will not hear of the looming G20 meeting and our shared vision of a One World Order. Gordon Brown has been pushing this agenda for the past year. Perhaps the Prime Minister can tell us if the US government has requested the deployment of the Canadian Military on US soil.
The real agenda should be BANKS. They have no business bankrupting Greece with toxic “Credit Default Swaps” and stand watch while another 15 European countries remain insolvent, they have no business setting interest rates, they have no business creating global depression through greed, deregulation and self-regulation, they have no business paying executives billions in bonuses, they have no business redirecting North American capital to foreign markets and destroying our manufacturing base, they have no business in regulating and destroying small business and they certainly have no business in anyone’s business. If you really want to assist this economy remove all bank fees and have interest rates reflect to the true economic picture. Set compensation limits and limit banks’ return on capital. There is no such thing as a strong banking system. Banks are designed to make money by peddling debt, not wealth. Who gave banking the authority to dictate who stays in business and who gets in business?

Russia – The bear awakes from a sombre sleep.
Several weeks ago Lt. Gen. Steven Blum the Deputy Commander of NORTHCOM requested from the Russian government pursuant to a secret agreement the use of 3 to 4 brigades of military security forces to be deployed in the U.S. presumably to assist local law enforcement in "peace keeping operations". When the request was made this very senior officer which my wife is related to expressed serious concerns about losses because of how well the "Americans" were armed. This officer and relative told me directly that he was assured by Gen. Blum that his forces would not be in the direct line of fire and that they would be free to use "whatever force was necessary to defend themselves and prevent future attacks".
A visionary from the Philippines, Duke Puntalangit, warns that the Fatima chastisements will begin this year 2010. According to the visionary, the Middle East crisis will eventually result into an all out war, though limited in that region, after which, a revolution originating from Russia, will engulf Europe. These series of events will cause chaos and bloodshed in all major cities in Europe, the Pope will be murdered in exile, the global economy will plunge deeper, consequently giving the window of opportunity for Russia and China to execute militarily against Europe and the US.The visionary gives the following which he said are the immediate signs prior to an unexpected revolution in Europe which will usher in World War III:

1. A papal visit to Russia. This will be the last sign and immediately follows the bloodshed in Europe.
2. The signing of an agreement, military in nature, between US and Russia. This will happen immediately prior to the nuclear war.

The above events, Puntalangit states, are the immediate signs of the looming human catastrophe. In addition to the above, Mr. Puntalangit advices everyone to focus on current events directly associated with the Catholic Church and Russia, the Middle East, and US-Russia arms negotiations.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

The Ten Signs we are Transitioning from Fear to Chaos

Posted February 22, 2010

Broken governments
Cyber-war simulation becomes reality (communications & electrical grids)              
Industrial sabotage (Blackberry, Toyota)
Israel now has 9 commandments (Thou shall not kill)
Climate “control”
The demise of the WWW
“Cloud Computing”
Scanners and nano-chipping
Foreign visitors
Build-up to more war.
Who said the world wasn’t a fun place.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Evolution versus Evolvement

Posted February 18, 2010

The ongoing debate between creation and evolution never appears to reach a logical conclusion. We can say that many notable intellectuals and religious leaders have concluded that the evolutionary process cannot be detached from the human experience. However, the one thing evolution cannot explain is the introduction of “matter” into the known universe.
Assuming we all believe in God then creation is an easy notion to swallow. Current science and anthropology are finding human remains which date back 60,000 years and more. But should human remains, if they have survived, not date back millions of years? We simply do not know the age of the universe or when God’s hand turned on the mixer. Putting all this aside could it not be possible that God implanted a “spiritual pill” in a human-like species at time of creation, only for it to take effect at a particular time in creation. After all, Adam and Eve appear to have been a suburban couple with a lot on the go and experienced many of today’s modern problems – lust, greed, murder, incest and a snake (symbol of Freemasonry). This could have been the first recorded soap opera. For all we know, Eve may have been the first battered wife and Adam the first alcoholic.
So where is all this going? I want to harp on the on the notion of evolvement and not evolution. Evolution might stress the physical change more so than the intellectual or spiritual change. Evolvement may be the one thing human beings have been challenged with since the time of Adam and Eve. Let me give you some examples. Peter Mansbridge, Larry King and Oprah Winfrey interview many notable people who have impacted the human experience and our planet. We listen in amazement at the words of the Aga Khan, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and so many others explain the human condition and the plight of the less fortunate. We bear witness to the attempt their foundations and efforts make to help curb hunger, poverty, war, disease and religious intolerance. There is only one real problem with all this – they are witnesses to the truth, not the body of it. All these human afflictions have evolved into a form of sensationalism and we have detached them from our natural reality.
When last did Peter Mansbridge interview a starving child from Haiti, a Palestinian mother who had lost most of her family, a homeless child in the slums of India, a child prostitute in Thailand, an AIDS victim in Africa, a Native-Indian living in poverty, a skeletal-like male suffering in Darfur or a soldier who has seen his body torn apart by needless war? Evolvement would mean that the faces of agony and despair would have a voice on the world stage. That voice must come from the victim and not those who profess to understand the victim. Dollars raised through charity must not chastise the victim and reward the organization. When will television produce the reality show that stars hunger, disease and non-biased suffering? Perhaps, if we transform pain and suffering into “celebrity”, we really will cure the woes of this planet. Perhaps if we deal with this matter, the other matter won’t matter.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Posted February 12, 2010

Dr. Paolo Zamboni took 65 patients with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis, performed a simple operation to unblock restricted blood-flow out of the brain and two years after the surgery, 73% of the patients had no symptoms.  Dr. Zamboni's thinking could turn the current understanding of MS on its head, and offer many sufferers a complete cure. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, has long been regarded as a life sentence of debilitating nerve degeneration. Dr. Zamboni formed a hypothesis that iron builds up in the brain, blocking and damaging crucial blood vessels. As the vessels rupture, they allow both the iron itself, and immune cells from the bloodstream, to cross the blood-brain barrier into the cerebro-spinal fluid. Once the immune cells have direct access to the immune system, they begin to attack the myelin sheathing of the cerebral nerves - Multiple Sclerosis develops. He named the problem Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency, or CCSVI.
The MS Society has raised billions over the past four decades and not accomplished much. They will tell you that every dollar raised helped to uncover many MS mysteries and that the research has helped many of those afflicted. Dr. Zamboni’s efforts prove one thing. Research dollars donated to any society are a waste of money. When you look at the Canadian MS Society website you can conclude one thing – it is an employment pool for family and friends and much of what is donated gets lost in the administration abyss.
On the news, an MS spokesperson went on to say that the current MS findings need careful scrutiny. She further stated that current MS research will continue on the same path as the past. Now why would you not at least test the new hypothesis with patients who have advanced MS? The reason is simple. MS and MS charity organizations raise billions every year and a simple strategic medical procedure would render all these people useless. My hunch is that they already are.
Dr. Zamboni demonstrated one very simple approach to research – you do it because you care about the people afflicted and not yourself. Greed and corruption are the only reasons why most cures have not become part of the mainstream. Get rid of all these charitable institutions. Cancer and Diabetes are pandemics yet we still look for the cures. We probably have the cures but the system employs more than those afflicted - that is the real sickness.
Provincial and federal governments should make it mandatory that every charitable institution disclose the various

and place limits on the costs of administration and capital investments. Scientific Research must be identifiable and measurable and any potential cure would not benefit private enterprise.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Adam Giambrone - Was it a Boner or was he Boned?

Posted February 10, 2010

McGuinty continues to rob Ontario’s tax coffers to protect Nortel pensioners and no one appears to care.  Smitherman walked away from provincial politics, after what could be classified as corruption, and now he is running for the Mayor’s job. We got the hand-job, I wonder what comes next if he wins the Mayor’s job. Mayor Miller has imposed more taxation than one could imagine and no one cares where the tax dollars have gone. Has anyone heard of the Hemson Report and the new city taxes that were introduced in February 2008? I have asked city officials for a summary of the revenue that was generated and how the revenue was used, but still no answer. I estimate the new land transfer tax alone has generated $500,000,000.00 for the City. Sarah Kramer walked away after her incompetence led to over $1,000,000,000.00 being lost at e-Health. She was CEO for only one year. Kelly MacDougald blew another billion at OLG and then I heard she received an $800,000.00 settlement for wrongful dismissal. The examples above display an orgy of corruption, not small boners.
But once again we focus on the demise of an Italian contender who is running for the Mayor’s office. He just had some simple sex, as a single guy and boned a willing partner. Now he is being castrated.  Giambrone should never have “pulled out”. I say sex is better than corruption. Does anyone not wonder why this happens and especially with non-Anglo candidates? There exists a corrupt shadow that wants to maintain the status quo in this province and it’s just not healthy. It’s being propped up by Viagra, Freemasonry and the stench of Anglo-Saxon resentment. The house of ill-repute has broadened its meaning. My estimation is that poor Adam was followed, wire-tapped, email victimized and the tragic figure of clandestine activity. Remember, Volpe was prodded, Nunziata was bribed, Zaccardelli was disgraced and now Fantino has been brought to task. Why would Adam’s play-toy turn him in if she had a shot at being the new Mayor’s love-interest? I think she got a bonus for her treachery – a City job is waiting for her! My conclusion is that poor Adam was boned!
Apart from all this we should privatize the TTC. TTC employees will never realize that they are in the customer-service industry. The number one rule in retail is that you never blame the customer. TTC union chief Bob Kinnear is just another lost soul pursuing a cause that has bankrupted this country - defending over-paid union jobs and incompetence! He got angry at customers, imagine that? If he ran a dealership for Toyota, Honda or anyone else he would be mopping floors at MacDonald’s for making such a stupid remark. Actually, that might help. MacDonald’s culture is all about loving your customer. Automotive manufacturers’ don’t take kindly to someone getting angry at their customers either. Mr. Toyota was almost in tears apologizing to his customers for the brake recall and now he has to go before the U.S. Congress. Get rid of Kinnear and the TTC, sell everything. Finally we should move from fares to rates so that we can all feel good about a taking a long ride. There is something to be said about the better way – have you ridden the rocket lately?
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Holographic Economics

Posted February 7, 2010

The illusive reality of the world economy can best be compared to a holographic image. The global media has transformed a grave stone into a three –dimensional life force. Let us review current news activity:
World stock markets slid to three-month lows on Friday as the worries intensified about a potentially huge bailout and a destabilization of the euro zone. The euro currency dropped to its lowest point since May against the U.S. dollar. "I think we have to be very mindful of the potential failure of domestic economies and of the persistence of some toxic assets in some banks," Flaherty told reporters. Euro zone countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal are under increasing pressure to show that they will bring public finances under control as financial markets' fear about the situation in one country spreading to others.
Clinton appointed special United Nation’s Envoy to Haiti. He will coordinate the international relief effort. Did anyone ask the Haitian government if they wanted Mr. Clinton to oversee this effort? It appears that the fox has taken control of the hen house. All that money will no doubt disappear into that belly of corruption and the USA will quietly usurp Haiti for covert activity.
A grim report given to President Medvedev today by Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin; It states that the private European banking conglomerate known as the United States Federal Reserve System…has given a “shock warning” to President Obama that they do not intend to renew the charter given to them on December 23, 1913 by the US Congress and it is set to expire on December 21, 2012, which is also the exact date that the controversial Mayan Calendar predicts will be the end of our present age. Even worse for the American people, this report says, is that in the Federal Reserve’s notification to Obama further stated that they only intend on paying back the US Government $156.3 Billion out of their “huge profits” gained from their looting the United States Treasury of an estimated $23.7 Trillion. This is difficult to verify as the Federal Reserve Act and all its amendments are not available online. The Library of Congress does provide a brief synopsis of its history and the Act but full disclosure is very difficult to obtain.
If the above statement is true the U.S. economy will be on a collision course with economic disaster. The “January effect” is in play and financial markets are poised to act adversely for 2010. Cliff High, Web-Bot developer, has made a dire prediction. His computer analytics of human consciousness has determined that July 7, 2010 will see the collapse of the US dollar and the financial markets. This guy predicted 911 and Katrina months before these events occurred. He has also predicted global conflict and war for November of this year. Baba Vanga predicted the same 2010 global conflict prior to her death.
New reports are showing that the Baltic Dry Index (the World’s most reliable indicator of future economic growth) has collapsed over 40% in the past 10-weeks signaling the worst of this Global financial crisis is yet to come. This index tracks worldwide international shipping prices and assesses the price of moving dry cargo by sea. Obviously we have more ships and less cargo and this is why the index is falling.
The stock markets are like a Giffen good, they keep climbing all the while violating the law of demand. But let us put all this aside and examine another major disaster looming in the shadows.
The countries that make up two thirds of the world's agricultural output are experiencing drought conditions. Whether you watch a video of the drought in China, Australia, Africa, South America, or the U.S. , the scene will be the same: misery, ruined crop, and dying cattle. Low stocks of foodstuff make the world's falling agriculture output particularly worrisome......The combined averaged of the ending stock levels of the major trading countries of Australia, Canada, United States, and the European Union have been declining steadily in the last few years:

2002-2005: 47.4 million ton     2007: 37.6 million tons      2008: 27.4 million tons

These inventory numbers are dangerously low, especially considering the horrifying possibility that China's 60 million tons of grain reserves doesn't actually exists.  A lack of credit for farmers curbed their ability to buy seeds and fertilizers in 2008/2009 and will limit production around the world. The effects of droughts worldwide will also be amplified by the smaller amount of seeds and fertilizers used to grow crops.
These are 2009 statistics. The new millennium will see climate control and not climate change as the global weapon of mass destruction – HAARP on!
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Haiti – The Epilogue

Posted February 1, 2010

In January, 2008 The Associated Press reported:

It was lunchtime in one of Haiti's worst slums and Charlene Dumas was eating mud. With food prices rising, Haiti's poorest can't afford even a daily plate of rice, and some take desperate measures to fill their bellies. Charlene, 16 with a 1-month-old son, has come to rely on a traditional Haitian remedy for hunger pangs: cookies made of dried yellow dirt from the country's central plateau.
It is estimated that many Haitians lived on mud pies prior to the earthquake. Did someone mention charity? Three weeks after the earthquake Haitians still cry out for food and water while world governments, charitable organizations and NGO’s decide how their money should be spent. Where are all the food, water and medical supplies that were so generously donated? It appears human trafficking, child abduction, military encroachment and who knows what else, are more of a priority than saving lives.
These are unique times and people are crying out for help. Increasing poverty, hunger, homelessness and job loss are all taking their toll on society and the human condition. Let us not even mention the fear brought about by global warming and climate change. Here is some advice, Stop worrying about global warming and human failings - save your soul and everything else will fall into place. Stop listening to the lies and deception of our political leaders and listen to a higher authority. There are two real evils that manifest within our everyday existence, one is Freemasonry and the other is societal apathy. One walks in shadows and the other wallows in fear. Freemasonry is a force that has debased human potential and seeded an evil that has embraced exception and not the exceptional qualities of life. It professes esotericism but practises exo-terrorism.
Andrea Bocelli performed wonderfully as he sang the song “Like a Bridge over troubled waters” at the Grammy Awards. Hopefully his rendition of the song and Michael Jackson’s quest for love will inspire Haitian-Aid before it becomes a bridge too far to cross. That bridge will ultimately be our own distance measure of survival.
Prime Minister Harper has just announced that our government will add $100 million of aid to developing countries particularly those vulnerable to climate change. Well what do you know? It appears that Mr. Harper has learned well from Bush and Clinton. They wrote the exclusive and limited print best-seller entitled, “How to become a billionaire by peddling war and charity”. By the way, can someone please censor the emotion-based pornographic charity marketing of CCF Canada? I hope that those who peddle this vulgar method of extracting money from caring people will fall prey to the same vile that has created the hopeless condition for so many people.
Let us put poverty into perspective remembering that our planet currently comforts 7 billion humans. The World Bank states that 50% of the global population lives on less than $2.50 per day and 80% live on less than $10.00 per day. While poverty numbers have come down a little, most of that reduction has been attributable to China. China saw its poverty numbers fall from 85% to 16% or by 600,000,000 people. In other words, not much has changed in three decades and according to UNICEF 25,000 children die each day. Annualized that would represent 25% of Canada’s population.
There is a tragic irony in the words aid and AIDS. We will be best suited to help others when our political and business leaders stop lying and stealing from us. In the meantime start working on that soul – evil cannot carry a cross because they are destined to wear one.
Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Stephen Harper on Poverty

Posted January 29, 2010

The new poverty line of $1.25 a day was recently announced by the World Bank (in 2008). For many years before that it had been $1 a day. But the $1 a day used then would be $1.45 a day now if just inflation was accounted for. The new figures from the World Bank therefore confirm concerns that poverty has not been reduced by as much as was hoped, although it certainly has dropped since 1981. However, it appears that much of the poverty reduction in the last couple of decades almost exclusively comes from China:

China’s poverty rate fell from 85% to 15.9%, or by over 600 million people. China accounts for nearly all the world’s reduction in poverty.  Excluding China, poverty fell only by around 10%.  Almost half the world, over three billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day.

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.
More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where income differentials are widening
The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income.
According to UNICEF, 25,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede

Haiti - The Marshall Plan Revisited

Posted January 29, 2010

According to Pat Robertson Haiti’s misfortunes arose when this island nation made a pact with the Devil. Pat Robertson is referring to Voodoo and the Haitian god known as Bondye. While Voodoo may be regarded as devil-worship, it may be wise to take note of a far more sinister power that is taking root in Haiti. All this tragedy and benevolence seems fodder for a Hollywood script.

Obama has proclaimed that the Iraqi campaign is coming to an end, diplomats now want to bribe Taliban warriors into submission with money and Karzai is requesting more reconstruction aid for Afghanistan as a political tool to end al-Qaeda.

The Wall Street Journal stated: "Despite their clean chins and pressed uniforms, the ISI men are as deeply fundamentalist as any bearded fanatic; the ISI created the Taliban as their own instrument and still supports it."
 It is alleged that in 1994 the ISI (members of Pakistani Intelligence trained by the CIA) gave birth to the Taliban and al-Qaeda came to be in 1988 under very similar circumstances. We appear to be fighting and negotiating with an enemy whose image casts the same shadow as our saviours.
While one might view all this political and economic upheaval as coincidence, I do not. An unsound human nature is imitating Mother Nature and God. The liquidity of money appears to flow towards catastrophe and not sanity. It pours from all vessels and then disappears into an endless belly of corruption. I cannot help but believe that Haiti has been usurped by an invisible hand whose true nature is unclear. To dismiss the power of technology and its ability to change economic and covert strategy would be naive.
It is estimated that Afghanistan produces $500,000,000,000 (billion) of opium yearly and that approximates 80% of the global opium supply. It is alleged that its major trading partner is the CIA.
Under the leadership of President Karzai, by mid-2008, the Government of Afghanistan had made some progress in combating narcotics. However, drug trafficking remains a serious threat to the future of Afghanistan, contributing to widespread public corruption, damaging legitimate economic growth, and fuelling violence and insurgency. A successful counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan hinges on maintaining security, building public capacity, attaining local support, and actively pursuing our joint counternarcotics strategy.
If the USA is serious about stabilizing Afghanistan it must deal with the issue of drugs. War has not only become tiresome it has become a nuisance in the wake of the global economic slump and the new game plan. Haiti is the 21st century Marshall Plan, with a twist and Big Oil can no longer wait to  harvest the riches given it with the blood of Canadian and global soldiers. Opium must now be grown covertly, shipped through controlled lines and then redistributed via a geographically controlled hub. Well that’s Haiti of course!

In April, 2000, Michael Vigil, Special Agent in Charge of the Caribbean Field Division of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) testified before the US Congress House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Drug Policy and Human Resources. In his testimony Vigil labelled Haiti as "The Drug Trafficking Crossroads of the Caribbean. Emphasizing Haiti's role he pointed out that "at just under 430 miles from Colombia's northernmost point [the island of Hispaniola] is easily accessible by twin engine aircraft hauling payloads of 500 to 700 kilos of cocaine.....Haiti presents an ideal location for the staging and transhipment of drugs.....recent statistics released by The US government Inter Agency Assessment of Cocaine Management (IACM), indicate that approximately 15% of the cocaine entering the United States transits either Haiti or the Dominican Republic.After pointing out to the panel that once any illicit drug reached Puerto Rico "it is unlikely to be subjected to further United States Customs inspection en route to the continental U.S.," Vigil mentioned - almost parenthetically - "Cocaine is also sometimes transferred overland from Haiti to the Dominican Republic for further transhipment to Puerto Rico, Europe and Canada.

The geographic importance of Afghanistan is not often discussed. American control of this region also means they shut-out Russia and China from having direct access to the oil and gas reserves in this region.

During the Soviets' decade-long occupation of Afghanistan, Moscow estimated Afghanistan's proven and probable natural gas reserves at around five trillion cubic feet. In the mid-1970s, production reached 275 million cubic feet per day. But Afghanistan's significance to the balance of energy and power in Central Asia stems from its geographical position as a potential transit route for oil and natural gas exports from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea.exports from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea.

Let us not forget the geographic significance of Haiti. You should pull out a map and notice that Haiti is positioned just east of Cuba and Mexico, northeast of Columbia and just south of the American gateway. With Guantanamo Bay scheduled to close the Americans still need to keep a close eye on Cuba. While Columbia is a major importer of American exports, it still is a global narcotics manufacturer. We won’t have to expand on Mexico and drugs. With 10,000+ American troops and a UN force to provide security the Americans will start doing what they do best – creating an economic engine. Haiti is a nation with no real laws and primitive with respect to the rest of North and South American continents. Haiti also has two undeveloped islands known as Tortuga and Gonave. Is it not ironic that the pirates have returned to Tortuga - leaves you wanting to watch a good Errol Flynn movie. I cannot help believe that Haiti and its two islands will become the new “Old Cuba”. While these conclusions appear to be extreme I draw your attention to the following:

In September 22, 2005 Stephen Watson commented that the War on Drugs was a phony facade..... We have continually exposed how Clinton and the Bushes personally profited from massive drug smuggling operations through Mena, whilst Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Alex Jones has interviewed multiple former CIA officers who were unloading the cocaine. Bush Sr., then Vice President, met eleven times with the Clintons in the year before Clinton announced his run for President. Teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives were murdered for accidentally witnessing a CIA cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Bill Clinton aided in the cover up as well as the money- laundering. The Clinton-Bush relationship is a long and fruitful one.
William Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam. He was awarded several medals for his leadership and heroism during combat including two with "V" for Valor. He served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet. William was the Petty Officer of the Watch and designated KL-47 SPECAT operator in the CINCPACFLT Command Center at Makalapa Hawaii. There he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.
He publicly stated that he had read top secret MJ-12 documents which connected the Bush Family to drug smuggling. He also stated that Zapata Corporation (an off-shore drilling company controlled by the Bush Family) worked closely with the CIA and used Zapata’s off-shore drilling platforms as drop-off points for drugs, which eventually made their way into the USA. Mr. Cooper was shot in an incident after these and other revelations were made. Clinton referred to him as the most dangerous man in America.
The underlying similaritiess between Haiti and Afghanistan appear far too real to dismiss. Even the victims of Katrina did receive this kind of generous military and global support. You decide.

Thank you,
Joseph Pede